Each Remedy is short, can be read carefully in ten minutes, and includes some questions to help students process the information. The attitudes, motivations, and beliefs students bring to an endeavor have a powerful effect on the quality of the outcomes produced.
Includes Pre and Post Life101!
The Life101 Remedies were developed by Curtis Miles, Ed.D., and Robert Hackworth, Ed.D., authors of the Life101 inventory. This online program focuses on the nine scales of Life101 and provides in-depth instruction in each of the nine areas. It is designed to help students attack their goals with optimism and develop a nurturing, optimistic belief system.
Topics covered:
- Adapting to Change
- Clearly Communicating
- Displaying Grit
- Committing to Lifelong Learning
- Developing a Growth Mindset
- Solving Problems
- Emphasizing Quality
- Taking Responsibility
- Working in Teams
- $36 Direct Student Pricing
(includes Pre/Post Life101 and Remedies) - Institutional Annual Site License
$3,000 Annual Site License for up to 300 students (just $10 per student!) - There is a $4.50 Account Set-Up/Update Fee per order.