This NEW resource provides a plethora of information about creating and setting-up a new learning center. From defining and establishing a center to detailed information about facilities, programs, services, management and staffing, this is a must-have resource for professionals dedicated to creating successful centers of learning. Read it cover to cover or refer to chapters relevant to your specific needs. Get expert guidance from a 30-year professional in the field and a CLADEA Fellow.
Penny Turrentine, Ph.D.
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Purchase NowThis is a “must-read” for anyone working in Developmental Education and/or Learning Assistance Programs. It includes the history of Learning Assistance Programs, Strategies for high-risk students, and Skill-Building strategies for Reading, Math, and Science, as well as Study Skills. The book concludes by reflecting on the important task of evaluating Learning Assistance Programs.
Martha Maxwell, Ph.D.
A Book of Readings on College Developmental Education and Learning Assistance Programs. College skills experts nominated these 44 articles that are considered seminal for crucial concepts in the field — articles that they felt would give the reader the best introduction to the history, issues, theory, current practice and research of learning assistance programs and developmental education.
“. . . From Access to Success is a treasure of theoretical and practical information for developmental educators, wa major contribution to the literature in our vital and growing field.” Art WhimseyEdited by Martha Maxwell, Ph.D.